
Office Administration Skills

Office Administration Skills
It became a very demanding stressful world: too much to do, many people to deal with & a limited time. Equip yourself with the administrative supportive skills to deliver what is requested while taking care of you or your employees. Give yourself an edge & create a work-life balance.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
·         Communicate effectively & avoid miscommunication
·         Project a professional image
·         Manage time & stress to have a work-life balance
·         Gain the synergy effect of teamwork
·         Manage your temper & handle situation smoothly without giving negative impressions
·         Enhance your performance by at least 30-40%
Workshop Contents
·         Communication Skills:
o    Process
o    Components
o    Listening
·         Business Etiquette:
o    Impression
o    Meeting Etiquette
o    Dining Etiquette
·         Time Management
·         Stress Management
·         Team Work:
o    Groups Vs. Teams
o    Team Development
·         Dealing with different Personalities
·         Self-Management
o    Components
o    Visual aids
o    Formatting
·         Various applications through creating an action plan, activities & games
Audience Profile
Secretaries, Executive Secretaries, Office Managers, & Administration Staff

 28 to 30 March 2019 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Register now and benefit from our special fees of LE2500 for LOUAI HASSAN members, non LOUAI HASSAN members please add LE 100 to the above rate.

Workshop Language: English| and arabic
Duration: 15 Hours
Above fees includes course handouts and Certificate
For more information or questions please don't hesitate to contact me directly on the numbers below,
Best regards, LOUAI HASSAN Team
Email: louailhas@aol.com

Mobile : 002 0101 452 5787

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ويمكنك التواصل معنا على رقم الواتس
او زيارة صفحتنا على الفيس بوك https://www.facebook.com/LouaiHassan.HR
وترك تعليقك فى الخاص وسنقوم بمساعدتك فورا
مع اجمل التحيات والامنيات بحياة سعيدة مباركة

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تجربة الفئران

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