
كورس مهارات الاتصال المتقدمة | Advanced Communication Skills

  • تعرف على احدث تقنيات التواصل بين الشخصيات المختلفة 
  • تجنب سوء التفاهم فى عملية التواصل 
  • كن بارع فى فن الاتصال والتواصل 
  • تعلم التفاوض باحدث الطرق السيكولوجية 
  • تعرف على شخصيتك وشخصية من حولك 
  • التعامل مع الشخصيات صعاب المراس 
  • فن التفاهم والحوار والتناغم 
  • فن الرد المسكت 
  • كيف تقول لا للشخص المناسب فى الوقت المناسب 
  • كيف تدخل لكل شخصية من مدخلها 
  • كيف تحلل الشخصيات والفرق بينها وبين الفراسة 
  • معنى الكاريزما الشخصية 
  • لغة الجسد المتقدمة 
  • دراسات الشخصية النظرية والعملية 
  • احصائيات ودراسات جامعات عالمية 

Advanced Communication Skills Product Knowledge Training workshop  
Two days

كورس مهارات الاتصال المتقدمة باللغتين العربية والانجليزية 

احجز الان 

About this Communication Skills Training Course            
Raining to help communicate more effectively with the best use of your words, voice tones and body language. Communicate more clearly and with more confidence: Learn new communication styles and listening skills.
Developing excellent communication skills course is important because everyone needs to effectively communicate their message.
We all need to learn tools and techniques to help us perfect our communication style.
We all need good communication skills to effectively communicate facts, feelings, thoughts, opinions and beliefs.
Improving your communication skills allows you to better express your message, so that others will understand you, agree with you and will feel inspired.
In a work or business communication, you may also need to inform, persuade, negotiate, critique, inspire and motivate others.
Communicating effectively means, you may want to improve your personal self-confidence, especially when in high stress situations.
Management communication involves asking the right QUESTIONS and LISTENING to hear the answer.
In addition, effective communication includes developing the right level of assertiveness. Some people lack assertiveness, and some others are over-assertive. This is important because you sometimes need to have difficult conversations, and you need to project the right amount of assertiveness.
This Communication skills training programmer also includes some fascinating information on how to improve your body language and voice tones.
Voice tones refer to the pitch, pace, volume accent of your voice.
Body language refers to the proper use of hand gestures, eye contact, body posture, facial expression, etc.
Because the lack of appreciation is a common error. This communication course includes training on the proper use of APPRECIATION and praise.
This course also covers the correct (and incorrect) use of humor at work.
All this content is covered on this excellent one-day communication skills training course.
Please read the course program and then book your place on this popular course.

Who should attend the course?
You should attend this effective communication skills course, if you:
  • Say to yourself "I know what I mean but I can’t explain it"
  • Need to set clear goals and targets for others to achieve
  • Need to be able to transfer information accurately
  • Believe that problems are often caused by miscommunication
  • Need to explain your exact meaning to others
  • Need to handle difficult people and conflict
  • Want more confidence in expressing your ideas

Benefits of good communication skills courses:
The benefits of this course are:
  • You will feel more confident to express your ideas and opinions with clarity and confidence.
  • You will get the best possible results from interviews and important meetings of all kinds.
  • You will avoid all the perils and costs of badly worded messages and mis-understandings.
  • You will feel happier to handle situations where you need to criticise other, potentially, difficult people.
Communication Skills Training - Two days Course Overview
Day 2 – Morning 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Day 1 – Morning 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

·         Give constructive, not destructive criticism.
·         Microsoft  Survey
·         Find the solutions to problems.
·         Personal analysis
·         Handle difficult people and difficult conversations with greater ease.
·         Communicate your message with more clarity, and persuasion.
·         Distinguish between "a fact" and "an opinion".
·         Make your communications more specific.
·         Proper use of your body language.
·         Use humour to your advantage.
·         Proper use of your voice tones.
·         Communicate your own goals.
·         Ensure that you always give praise and appreciation
·         Ask the right questions.
·         Give constructive, not destructive criticism.
·         Speak and write more accurately, by giving clear definitions.
·         Find the solutions to problems.
·         Speak in more optimistic terms.
·         Handle difficult people and difficult conversations with greater ease.
·         Avoid accidental "negative commands" such as, "Don't panic!"
·         Distinguish between "a fact" and "an opinion".
·         Communicate your message with more clarity, and persuasion.
·         Proper use of your body language.
·         Make your communications more specific.
·         Proper use of your voice tones.
·         Use humour to your advantage.

 Call us Now & Get Your Free Consultationسجل الان وسوف نتصل بك   


Louai Hassan


Best regards



 002 011 56 10 65 63 واتس 

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