- Dear all,
- we take great pride in introducing ourselves as an international leading group in the Trademarks registration and legal consultations and finding solutions for the registration and trademark protection ,patents and industrial designs. Since, we are distinguished by services covering all the requirements and expectations of our honorable clients.
- Beginning from trademarks search, trademarks filing, trademarks oppositions and appeals. Based on a large group of lawyers, attorneys and consultants specialists with high expertise and high-efficiency capabilities, we register brands locally and internationally. And also provides protection and supervision brands services. We have a highly professional team who are professionally consultants and experts in issues relating to Trademarks registration and protection.
- OUR policy is to enhance our honorable customer's satisfaction through providing high quality services with the lowest possible costs, in order to, gain your satisfaction and we are confident in providing you with quality services as we work with principles that we believe in.
- It is a great pleasure for us to communicate together to see what is the aspect of our cooperation. And how can we provide you with excellent aid and assistance of trademarks registration for your honorable clients, with the best price and the best level of service in Egypt at all.
- Intellectual Property
- ( trademarks registration / legal consultations/industrial designs/patents ).
- Yours faithfully…
- Louai Hassan
- Business Developer
- Louai Hassan Group For Intellectual Property
- Mobile: (+2) 0109 10 7777 23
- E-mail: louailhas@aol.com
- With my best regards,
ابحث فى الموقع
Trademarks Registration Now in Egypt
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