
الروتين اليومى لاكثر الناس ابداعاً فى التاريخ | These Are The Daily Routines Of History’s Most Famous Creative People

 How did the world’s most famous creative people spend their 24 hours/day? What was their daily routine like? This wonderful infographic aims to provide a sneak peek into the everyday lives of 16 brilliant minds including Ludwig van Beethoven, Charles Dickens, Sigmund Freud, Victor Hugo, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin and more.
Note: View the first two pie charts to understand the visual representation. White areas depict sleep, green = primary work, blue = exercise and so on.
These Are The Daily Routines Of History's Most Famous Creative People (Infographic)
Via InfoWeTrust. Which routine do you relate to most? Notice any common patterns between them all (long walks, coffee, alcohol etc.)? Share this post and your views in the comments section below.

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